ACCESSORIES FOR TTL MULTIPLE FLASHTTL Remote Cord SC·17For Programmed TTL auto flash operation or TTL auto flashoperation when using the S8-24 off the Nikon F4-Series (withDP-20 or DA-20) , F-801/N8008, F-501/N2020, F-401s/N4004s,F-301/N2000, FA, FE2 or FG camera, use coiled cord SC-17 .The SC-17 provides automat ic sync speed sett ing and the sameready-light view-finder indication as if the flash unit were directlymounted on the camera . SC-17 comes with two TIL multiple fla shterminals and one tr ipod socket. The SC-17 is approx 1.5m (4.9 tt).TTL Remote Cord SC·24For TTL auto flash operation when using the S8-24 off theNikon F4 camera fitted with either the 6X High-MagnificationFinder DW-21 or Waist-Level Finder DW -20, use SC-24 insteadof SC-17.The SC-24 also comes with two TTL multiple flash terminals andone tripod socket. The SC-24 is approx . 1.5m(4.9ft).TTL Multi·Flash Adapter AS·10When using more than three flash units for TTL multiple flashoperation, use the Multi-Flash Adapter AS-10, an adapter withthree multiple flash terminals and one tripod socket. (RequiresSC-18 or SC -19 for each flash use.)90TTL Multi·Flash Sync Cords SC·18 and SC·19To connect the flash units for TTL multiple flash operation, useSync Cord SC -18 or SC -19 .The SC -18 is approx . 1.5m (4 .9ft) long ; the SC-19 , 3m (9 .8ft)long .SC-24SC-19SC-18