3707 - 3907 - 3907 L, M, H - 3907/18 - 3907/18 L, M, H3707/10 - 3707/10 L, M, H - 3907 W - 3907 W L, M, HGB01/2015 9 C65Stopping - emergency stoppingPress the stop button “H” (Fig. 4).Emptying the containerATTENTION DANGER!– Turn off the machine and remove the plug from thepower socket before proceeding with this operation.– Check the Class of the vacuum cleaner.Before emptying the container it is a advisable to clean the filter(see “Shaking the main filter” sect.).A. Normal version, not suitable for treating hazardous dust– Release the container “I” (Fig. 9), then remove andempty it.– Make sure that the seal is in perfect condition andcorrectly positioned.– Place the container back in position and use the leverto secure it again.Plastic liner:A plastic liner (our code 40100) can be used to collect dust (Fig.9).In this case, the machine must be equipped with optionalaccessories (grill and depressor - Fig. 9).B. Versions for dusts that are hazardous for the health:Classes L - M - H, suitable for vacuuming hazardous and/or carcinogenic dust (H class).ATTENTION DANGER!– In compliance with current laws, these operationscan only be carried out by trained and specializedpersonnel who must wear adequate clothing.– Take care not to raise the dust during this operation.Wear a P3 protective mask.– A plastic liner can be used (our code 40100) if dustthat is dangerous and/or hazardous for the healthmust be removed.– It is essential to use a safety container if Asbestos isto be cleaned up. However, in this case the machinemust be equipped with our ABS safety container (ourcode 8 30202 - 8 31365 Fig. 10) in order to dispose ofthe dust.– The container and/or liner must only be disposed of bytrained personnel and in compliance with the currentlaws in force.How to replace the safety drum:– place the hose in a safe, dustfree place;– release the container “I” (Fig. 10);– close the safety drum with the supplied cover and removeit from the container “I” (Fig. 10). Fit an empty drum in itsplace.– Start the motor again to prevent dust from being blownabout.– Make sure that the seal is in perfect condition and correctlypositioned.– Switch off the motor, fit an empty drum in place and fastenit in position.Use as a wet cleanerMake sure that the vacuum cleaner is equipped with a float(liquid level sensor) and is suitable for use as a wet cleaner.Do not clean up flammable liquids.If foam forms, stop work immediately and empty the container.The filter element will be wet after liquids have been cleanedup.A wet filter element can quickly become clogged if the vacuumcleaner is then used to clean up dry substances.For this reason, make sure that the filter element is dry orreplace it with another one before using the vacuum cleaner toclean up dry materials.At the end of a cleaning session1. Turn off the vacuum cleaner and remove the plug from thesocket.2. Coil the connection flex (Fig. 11).3. Empty the container as described in the “Emptying thecontainer” section.Clean the vacuum cleaner as described in the“Maintenance, cleaning and decontamination” section.4. Wash the container with clean water if aggressivesubstances have been cleaned up.5. Store the vacuum in a dry place, out of the reach ofunauthorized people.6. Shut the inlet with the appropriate plug “A” (Fig. 11) whenthe vacuum cleaner is transported or not being used(particularly in the case of versions M - H and Asbestos).