Service Manual: Clarke Focus II Midsize, Nilisk-Alto ScrubTec 8Form Number 5043117 Page 23ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe Clarke Focus II Midsize scrubber is batery powered. It contains 4 6 volt bateries for a total of 24volts. Heavy cablesconnect the bateries in series. A large red 120 amp two way “Anderson” connector is used as a Main Power Plug toconnect the bateries to the machine wiring and batery charger. To prevent damage to the bateries due to excessivedischarging, the control system will turn of the brush system, vacuum system and inally the drive system as the bateryvoltage drops too low.A steel plate at the back of the soluion tank serves as an “electrical panel” and provides a mouning surface for thevarious relays, fuses and the Drive Motor Controller. Circuit breakers and fuses protect various circuits from excessivecurrent. The machine wiring is color coded and the ends of each wire have a funcional descripion printed on them suchas “IDrive Relay 30”.On-board Battery ChargerAn opional on-board batery charger is mounted on the botom of the machine. Early models used an S.P.E. charger andlater models use a Delta-Q IC650 charger.Interlock CircuitBoth types of batery chargers have an “interlock circuit” which consists of an internal relay that interrupts power to thedrive wheel speed controller when the charger is plugged into an AC power outlet. This prevents the machine from beingpropelled while the bateries are charging.Here is how the batery charger interlock circuit works. The interlock relay contacts inside the charger are normallyclosed, allowing the current to pass in and out of the charger to the A1 Control Board and the Speed Controller. Whenthe AC power cord is plugged in, the relay is energized and opens the relay contacts opening the circuit.S.P.E. Charging Profiles and Charging ProgressWhen the charger is irst plugged in, one of the indicator lights will lash out the batery type seing. Ater that, the red,yellow and green batery charge level indicator lights are used during the charging process to indicate the current charge.When the bateries are fully charged the green light will be on steady.The S.P.E. batery charger and main machine controller communicate with one another on the yellow wire that runsbetween them. Each ime the batery charger is plugged in the charger contacts the controller by sending out a posiivevoltage on the communicaion wire to ask what the batery type seing is. The controller responds and tells it thebatery type seing it has stored. The charger then selects the proper charging proile to match the batery type andbegins charging the bateries. If the charger is unable to communicate with the controller it will use the proile for a wetbatery at a 25 Amp rate as a default.Delta-Q Charging Profiles and Charging ProgressThe Delta-Q batery charger does not communicate with the main machine controller. It is a “stand-alone” unit. Modelsthat have the Delta-Q charger have a separate LED to communicate charging progress. By pressing a buton on thecharger you can see what charging proile is in use. If you replace the bateries with a diferent type of batery or replacethe batery charger, you must select the correct charging proile to be compaible with the bateries. There are a set ofproiles stored inside the charger. You can interface directly with the charger to select the proile to be used from thatset. See the Delta-Q IC650 Product Manual (710-0138-Delta-Q.pdf) for complete instrucions on selecing the proile. Usethe Delta-Q Batery Charging Proile Table below to choose the proile to match the bateries that are in the machine.