Service Manual: Clarke Focus II Midsize, Nilisk-Alto ScrubTec 8Form Number 5043117 Page 83SOLUTION SYSTEMFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe soluion system dispenses the water and cleaning chemicals to the scrub brush head for scrubbing the loor. Thesoluion tank holds the soluion and serves as the main body of the scrubber. Soluion from the tank lows through amanual shut of valve, ilter, soluion valve (solenoid), manifold and out to the deck. The ilter protects the soluion valvefrom debris which can damage the valve. The manual shut of valve makes it possible to service plumbing componentswithout draining the soluion tank.The standard soluion system requires the operator to mix a cleaning chemical with the water in the soluion tank. Anelectric soluion valve is used to turn the soluion low on and of as well as to meter the amount of soluion used. Thesoluion valve is controlled by the main machine controller.The opional chemical mixing system automaically mixes water from the soluion tank with chemical directly from themanufacturer’s chemical container. The operator ills the soluion tank with water only. The machine then automaicallymixes the correct amount of cleaning chemical and water and delivers it to the scrub brush head.On all machines, the main machine controller turns the soluion low on and of and meters the amount that lows viaan electric soluion valve based on operator request and whether or not the machine is moving. The soluion is of whenthe machine is not moving and is turned on when it is moving. The main machine controller sends 17v out through aresistor on a gray wire to the drive motor controller. The drive motor controller has an internal switch that switches thecircuit to batery negaive whenever the machine is moving. The main machine controller has an internal voltmeter thatmonitors the circuit. When it sees 17 volts, it knows the machine is standing sill. When it sees the voltage drop to nearzero it knows the machine is moving and it then turns on the soluion low. To make the soluion low, the main machinecontroller provides a constant batery voltage supply going out of the brown wire, through the soluion valve solenoidwinding and returning to a switch inside the controller on the green wire. The main machine controller provides aswitched path to batery negaive to turn on the soluion valve and allow soluion to low.