Control SystemService Manual – Warrior ST, AXP, EcoFlex 25Regular Scrub Setting AdjustmentUse this procedure to adjust the scrub deck pressure, solution rate, and chemical rate that are used for theRegular scrub mode1 Turn the key switch to the off position.2 While holding the Scrub On (D) and Wand (F) switches depressed, turn the keyswitch to the on position3 Continue to hold the both switches until the Wand and Regular Scrubindicators turn green4. Release both switches The scrub off indicator will turn red and the regular scrub indicator will turnyellow. Also:• AXP/EcoFlex models: The display will now show the cylinder/disc deck icon with current scrubpressure setting• ST model: The LED display will show the level number of the current scrub pressure setting.5. Pressing the Scrub On switch (D) will scroll through the 3 scrub pressure settings6 Pressing Scrub Off switch (E) will save the pressure setting and move to solution ratesetting7. Solution Rate Setting: The Regular Scrub indicator (L) will turn from yellow to greenand the Solution indicator will turn yellow. For AXP/EcoFlex, the display will show thesolution icon with gauge8 Press the Solution switch (B) to scroll through the 3 solution rate settings9. Press the Scrub Off switch (E) to save the new setting and move to the chemical ratesetting (or the end of the program mode for Warrior ST).10 Chemical Rate Setting: (Not available on Warrior ST) The display will now showchemical bottle with current chemical setting Solution indicator will turn green andchemical indicator will turn green11 Press the Chemical switch (H) to scroll through the 9 chemical settings.12 Press the Scrub Off switch (E) to save the new setting and display key switch icon ondisplay13 Turn the key switch to the off position. The new settings will be saved and will remain in effect untilthey are changed againFDEBH