Play ModeIn this state the amplifer is ready toreproduce audio from the selected input. Thetop of the screen indicates the currently activeaudio input.The volume attenuation in dB is indicated inthe middle of the screen.• Increase / decrease: adjust theattenuation level from -63dB to 0dB.• Select: mute the amplifer and enterInput Selection state.• Hold: switch off the amplifer.Input Selection StateWhen the input selection is active, the audio ismuted and the controls allow the currentlyselected input to be changed. The label ‘InputSelect’ also appears on the display.• Increase / Decrease: change the activeinput from 1 to 4. The currently selectedinput is highlighted with the trianglemarker.• Select: Activate the selected input, un-mute, and return to the Play state.This function can also be used to mute theamplifer for a short moment withoutchanging the input.Arcus Integrated Amplifer Owner’s ManualPage 18