Settings MenuThe settings menu allows ampliferparameters to be modifed and saved to thenon volatile memory so changes made to thesettings will not be lost when power isremoved.• Increase / decrease: select the settingto adjust. The current value for thatsetting is displayed in the bottomsection of the display.• Select: modify the currently highlightedsetting, click again to store new value.Please note that your settings menu mightdisplay different options depending on thecurrently installed software version.The following settings can be adjusted:• Tube Profle: select the desired tubeprofle to apply. Please check the TubeProfles section for additionalinformation.• Flash Firmware: Enter frmware updatemode. This allows the internal frmwareto be upgraded using the USB port.• Exit: return to Standby state.Arcus Integrated Amplifer Owner’s ManualPage 20