12Flight preparationVisual checksBefore flying the model, check that there is no obvious damageto the case or rotors.1. Open the transmitter batterycompartment and insert the fourAA dry cells (maintain correctpolarity). Lay the transmitterdown flat, and switch it on. Donot touch the transmitter for atleast three seconds!2. Place the flight battery in the Galaxy Visitor 3 and connect it.Now leave the Galaxy Visitor 3 motionless until the red statusLED lights up constantly. This may take a little while.3. At lift-off the transmit-ter aerial must pointtowards the red statusLED on the Galaxy Visi-tor 3.Operating Instructions - GALAXY VISITOR 3 RTF FTR 2.4 GHz No. NE2529M2No. NE2529M14. If you wish to fly the Galaxy Visitor 3 in intelligent control mode,the transmitter aerial must be directed at the model constantly!5. The Galaxy Visitor 3 must not be taken off until the red sta-tus LED lights up constantly in conventional control mode, orflashes red in intelligent control mode.After every landing the Galaxy Visitor 3 carries out a brief in-itialisation procedure; please ensure that the status LED indi-cates the same mode as previously. If this is not the case, dis-connect the flight battery then re-connect it so that the modelcan re-initialise itself.Never take off if the red status LED is not glowingconstantly or flashing!6. If you intend to fly outdoors at a height of more than three me-tres using "normal" throttle and "height stabilisation" modes,there is a method of reducing the model's altitude quickly: allyou have to do is press the AUX2 button once in normal mode,or twice in height stabilisation mode. This takes you to Begin-ner mode, and the copter automatically descends to a heightof about 2 - 3 metres. After pressing the AUX2 button, we re-commend that you keep a careful watch on the model's height,and adjust it with the throttle stick if necessary.7. When the red LED starts flashing at a high rate, the batteryhas almost reached the end of its capacity. At this point youshould land the copter as quickly as possible.