Quitting calibration modePress the left-hand transmitter stick on-ce. When you hear a further beep, youhave left the mode, and can fly the mo-del.Note:If calibration mode does not immediately start correctly, repeatthe procedure until the Status LED flashes. Please be careful notto hold the right-hand stick pressed in for too long, otherwise youwill enter Dual Rate set-up mode.20Calibrating the acceleration sensorThe acceleration sensor can be adjusted at the model's receiver.Normally the machine is calibrated correctly at the factory, andis immediately ready to fly. If you notice inconsistencies in themodel's behaviour in flight, you can re-calibrate the accelerationsensor and thereby improve its flying characteristics.Entering calibration modeFirst switch the transmitter on, thenplace the model in a horizontal positionand connect the flight battery. Hold theright-hand transmitter stick pressed in,then press the left-hand stick three timesin sequence. You will hear a beep whichindicates that you are in Calibration mo-de. Release the right-hand stick again.CalibrationMove the throttle trim on the transmitterupward. The Status LED now flashesslowly, and the acceleration sensor is incalibration mode. Now switch the trans-mitter off and immediately on again. Theprocedure is complete when the StatusLED glows constantly.Operating Instructions - GALAXY VISITOR 3 RTF FTR 2.4 GHz No. NE2529M2No. NE2529M1Mode 2