8 9ninjakitchen.com ninjakitchen.comUSING THE NINJA® FOODI™ PRO GRILLGRILLCONTROL TECHNOLOGYOur technology allows you to control thetemperature of the grill grate for precisecooking and keep smoke out of the kitchen.When using the Grill function, you will needto select the grill grate temperature setting.Below are recommended temperature levelsfor common ingredients.SPLATTER SHIELDLocated on the underside of the hood,the splatter shield keeps the heatingelement clean and minimizes smoke. Thesplatter shield is removable for cleaning,but we recommend keeping it in placewhen cooking.Removing the splatter shieldRemove the splatter shield for cleaningafter every use. First allow the splattershield to cool completely, then remove itby using your thumb to release the frontclip by pushing the front clip upwards andusing your other hand to pull one of theouter tabs toward you. This will release thesplatter shield, allowing you to pull it outof the slot along the back of the hood.Installing the splatter shieldTo install, gently push the splatter shieldinto the back of the hood. Insert the backtab on shield with the slot on the back ofthe hood. Then gently push the splattershield upward until it clicks into the clipon the front of the hood.Front TabClip2 Press the TEMP iQ button and use theTEMP up and down arrows to selectthe desired internal cook temperature(100˚F–170˚F). Use the chart below tohelp determine the desired internal cooktemperature.USING THE INTEGRATEDSMART TEMPERATURE PROBE1 After selecting the desired cookfunction and temperature, plug thetemperature probe into the socketlocated on the right side of the controlpanel. The probe must be plugged inbefore setting the probe alert. Makesure the probe cord is free of knots.(The probe cannot be used with theDehydrate function.)NOTE: There is no need to set a cooktime, as the unit will automatically turnoff the heating element and alert youwhen the probe senses your food hasreached the internal temperature you set.NOTE: The unit may produce smokewhen cooking meats on a hotter settingthan what is recommended. For morecooking charts, refer to your InspirationGuide or visit ninjakitchen.com.NOTE: The unit could create smokeduring the cooking process. For lesssmoke, we recommend using canola,coconut, avocado, grapeseed, orvegetable oil instead of olive oil.LOW400°FMEDIUM450°FHIGH500°FMAXup to 510°F• Bacon• Sausages• Calzones• Whenusingthick BBQsauce• Frozenmeats• Marinated/saucedmeat• Steaks• Chicken• Burgers• Hot dogs• Veggies• Fruit• Pizzas• Fresh/frozenseafood• KebabsFOOD: SET TEMP iQ TO: ALLOW FOOD TO CARRY-OVER COOK TO:Fish 140˚F 145˚FPoultry 165˚F 165˚F or higherPork 140˚F 145˚FBeefRare 120˚F 125˚FMedium Rare 130˚F 135˚FMedium 140˚F 145˚FMedium Well 145˚F 150˚FWell Done 155˚F 160˚FGround Pork 155˚F 160˚FGround Turkey 160˚F 165˚FNOTE: If you need to adjust the functiontemperature, press the TEMP iQ buttonagain to exit TEMP iQ mode. The unit willreturn to the function temperature setting.NOTE: The Ninja® Foodi™ Pro Grill cooksquickly, so these recommended internaltemperature settings are based on howthis unit cooks and may seem lower thanrecommended temperature doneness forother appliances. Internal food temperaturecontinues to rise as food rests. This isknown as carry-over cooking, and it occurswhen food rests for at least 5 minutes afterbeing removed from the heat.Switching to Grill after usinganother functionIf the unit is already warm from using adifferent function, and the grill grate is atroom temperature when you place it in theunit, “Add Food” may appear on the screenimmediately. We recommend allowing the grillgrate to heat up for at least 6 minutes beforeplacing ingredients on it. As the unit continuesto run and the grill grate heats up, “Add Food”will remain on the screen until you open thehood and place ingredients on the grate.Batch grillingWhen grilling more than two consecutivebatches of food, it is recommended thatyou empty the fat/oil from the removablecooking pot. This will help prevent greasefrom burning and causing smoke.We also recommend allowing the grill grateto heat back up for at least 3–5 minutesbetween batches to ensure consistent grillmarks and char.Carry-over cook temperatures are based on foodsafety.gov charts:foodsafety.gov/keep/charts/mintemp.html