Version date: April 5th 2013 236Operator ManualNA 9420Chapter 6 - Faults6.3 Faults tableProblem Cause RemedyLO appears in the right-hand display.Too much air in thecylinder.Enlarge the orifice in themix feed pipe 1 position(turn the outer mix feedpipe).Machine is notresponding and nolights are lit up.The emergency stopbutton has beenpressed.Reset the emergency stopfeature.Fuse(s) in meter box is(are) faulty.Replace fuse(s) in themeter box.The ice cream is toosoft (not caused byexcessive sales).Not much air in the icecream.Reduce the orifice in themix feed pipe 1 position(turn the outer mix feedpipe).The temperature of theice cram isn’t lowenough.Increase the viscosity.The machine isvibrating abnormally.The power supply isdisrupted or drivebelt(s) is (are) faulty.Please contact the dealer.Ice cream is leakingthrough behind the icecream head.The components havenot been fittedcorrectly (cap nuts areloose).Fit the componentsproperly. Check whetherthe nozzle and nozzle tubeare clean.Gasket is worn Check and replace ifnecessary.The green ‘STANDBY’light does not light upafter pasteurising.The display shouldshowafter pasteurising.Mix tank agitator notworking (errormeassage EO5).Check whether agitator isturning (it should turn onevery 3-to-4 minutes).If not, please contact thedealer.Mix tank lid does notclose properly (heatloss) (error meassageEO5).Fit mix tank lid properly.The ‘OFF’ light is lit.There was a powerfailure that turned offthe whole machine.In case yes, empty themachine completly andclean and disinfect thewhole machine.In cas no, pasteurise themachine before use.