Version date: April 5th 2013 337Operator ManualNA 9420Chapter 7 - Maintenance7.3.8 Fitting the ice cream head, cylinder beater and mix feed pipe1. Lubricate the O ringsfor the piston and themix feed pipe.2. Fit the two O rings onthe piston.3. Fit the piston in theice cream head.(Be careful! The ope-ning of the pistonmust face foreward.)4. Assemble the beater. 5. Fit the two O rings onthe iner mix feed pipe.6. Assemble the outerfeed pipe and innerfeed pipe.7. Insert the beater inthe cylinder.(Be careful! The top ofthe triangle of thecenterbar must faceupwards.)8. Place the combi-headon the machine.(Be careful! The pinfor the headprotectionmust be pressed up-wards. Place the com-bi-head in front of thecylinder correctly.)9. Loosely tighten thefour bolts in the se-quence shown. Thentighten firmly by handfollowing the samesequence.12 34