Version date: March 27 th 2018 437Operator ManualNA 3338 Rapid Combi APM7.3.9 (Dis)assembling, cleaning and disinfecting the milkshake motor1. Remove the lockingscrew.2. Carefully pull thebrush housing fromthe milkshake motor.3. Remove the O ringsfrom the brush hou-sing.cleaninganddisinfecting4. Remove the O ringfrom the milkshakemotor.5. Clean and disinfect allcomponents and drythem carefully with aclean towel (prefera-bly paper). (see para-graph 7.2.3)6. Lubricate the O rings.7. Fit the O rings to thebrush housing.8. Fit the O ring to themilkshake motor.9. Carefully fit the brushhousing to the milks-hake motor.Do not submerge themilkshake motor inwater, otherwise it willbe seriously damaged!10. Fit the locking screw.