æ 3-1-8 æInstallation of 3DHEXUIMPORTANT NOTICE: The TX-Z 308 Main Equipment can accommodate only up to 2 optional cardsdue to the height.The NX7E-3DHEXU-A1 unit provides:ü Two doorphone interfaceü One external speaker interfaceü One external MOH inputü One alarm inputTo install this unit in the main equipment:1. Attach the 3DHEXU unit to the connector labeled EXPCN on the main unit.2. Secure the 3DHEXU unit with metal spacer (included).Note: If the 3SMDR unit has been installed in the main equipment, mount the 3DHEXU unit on the3SMDR unit as illustrated below.This section provides information on installing the Doorphone Boxes in TX-Z 308 system.Specifications: 150 m wire maximum of 0.5 f twisted telephone cable.1. Connect wires to the terminal marked R and C on the back of the Doorphone Box, and connectthe other end to DH1 on the 3DHEXU unit for Doorphone Box 1 or DH2 for Doorphone Box 2.(See illustration below)Metal spacer3DHEXU unit3SMDR unit