7Signet 515/2536 Rotor-X Flow SensorsMfr. Part No. Code DescriptionP51530-H0 198 801 659 Sensor, Polypropylene, Hastelloy-C, Black PVDF; 0.5 to 4 inchP51530-P0 198 801 620 Sensor, Polypropylene, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black), 0.5 to 4 inchP51530-P1 198 801 621 Sensor, Polypropylene, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black) 5 to 8 inchP51530-P2 198 801 622 Sensor, Polypropylene, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black) 10 to 36 inchP51530-P3 198 840 310 Sensor, Wet-Tap, Polypropylene, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black), 0.5 to 4 inchP51530-P4 198 840 311 Sensor, Wet-Tap, Polypropylene, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black) 5 to 8 inchP51530-P5 198 840 312 Sensor, Wet-Tap, Polypropylene, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black) 10 to 36 inchP51530-S0 198 801 661 Sensor, polypropylene, PVDF (natural), Black PVDF; 0.5 to 4 inchP51530-T0 198 801 663 Sensor, PVDF (natural), PVDF (natural) Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (nat.), 0.5 to 4 inchP51530-T1 198 801 664 Sensor, PVDF (natural), PVDF (natural) Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (nat.), 5 to 8 inchP51530-V0 198 801 623 Sensor, PVDF (natural), Hastelloy-C Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (natural), 0.5 to 4 inchP51530-V1 198 801 624 Sensor, PVDF (natural), Hastelloy-C Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (natural), 5 to 8 inchP51530-V2 198 801 625 Sensor, PVDF (natural), Hastelloy-C Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (natural), 10 to 36 inch3-8510-P0 198 864 504 Sensor, Integral, PP, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black), 0.5 to 4 inch3-8510-P1 198 864 505 Sensor, Integral, PP, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black) 5 to 8 inch3-8510-T0 159 000 622 Sensor, Integral, PVDF (nat.), PVDF (natural) Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (nat.), 0.5 to 4 inch3-8510-V0 198 864 506 Sensor, Integral, PVDF (nat.), Hastelloy-C Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (nat.), 0.5 to 4 inch3-3519/515-P3 159 000 819 Sensor & Wet-Tap Assy., PP, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black), 0.5 to 4 inch3-3519/515-P4 159 000 820 Sensor & Wet-Tap Assy., PP, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black), 5 to 8 inch3-3519/515-P5 159 000 821 Sensor & Wet-Tap Assy., PP, Titanium Rotor Pin, PVDF Rotor (black), 10 to 36 inchReplacement Parts 515/8510M1538-2 198 801 181 Rotor, PVDF BlackP51547-3 159 000 474 Rotor, PVDF NaturalM1538-4 198 820 018 Rotor, ETFEP51550-3 198 820 043 Rotor and Pin, PVDF Natural3-0515.322-1 198 820 059 Sleeved Rotor, PVDF Black3-0515.322-2 198 820 060 Sleeved Rotor, PVDF Natural3-0515.322-3 198 820 017 Sleeved Rotor, ETFEP31542 198 801 630 Sensor Cap, Red (for use with 515)515/8510-XXOrdering InformationSignet FittingsFPTDescription Type DescriptionType WRLQFKFXWLQFKKROHLQSLSH 2YHULQFKFXWLQFKKROHLQSLSH 6SHFLDORUGHULQWRLQ WRLQFKYHUVLRQV 039&RU&39& WRLQFKFXWLQFKKROHLQSLSH WRLQFKFXWLQFKKROHLQSLSH $YDLODEOHLQDQGLQFKVL]HVRQO\ &XWLQFKKROHLQSLSH :HOGLQSODFHXVLQJVROYHQWFHPHQW,URQ&DUERQ6WHHO667KUHDGHGWHHV&DUERQVWHHO VWDLQOHVVVWHHO:HOGRQ:HOGROHWV WRLQFKFXWLQFKKROH 2YHULQFKFXWLQFKKROHLQSLSH )RUSLSHVIURP'1WRPP 33RU39')3ODVWLFWHHV0HWULF8QLRQ)LWWLQJ39&&ODPSRQ6DGGOHV,URQ6WUDSRQVDGGOHV39&*OXHRQ6DGGOHV LQWRLQ39')LQVHUW)LEHUJODVVWHHV WRLQYHUVLRQV 0RXQWVRQWKUHDGHGSLSHHQGV