®Instruction ManualNFPpage 10 NFP - Rev. 02 as of 24.11.20094.2 Device IdentificationThe instructions in this manual are valid only for the type of device indicated onthe title page.The nameplate is fixed on the bottom of the device and contains the following:- Name and address of manufacturer- CE label- Type and serial number- Year of manufacture- Ex-label (on Ex-version devices only) as mentioned in chapter 2.2.It is important for enquiries and replacement part orders to specify article num-ber as well as serial number of the respective transmitter or sensor. This en-sures correct and quick processing.Art. Nr. NFP-xx W0 xx E xSer. Nr. JJKW NFP yyyyyNR. 0044IBExU07ATEXxxxxII (2)G [EEx ib] IIBElektrische Werte siehe Be-scheinigung/Betriebsanleitung18-36V DC18WFig. 3-1 NFP nameplateThis instruction manual is a part of the device and must be available for theuser at any time.The safety instructions contained within have to be observed.For installation and operation of the entire system additionally please refer totechnical instructions of correlation sensors and “Installation Instruction forPipe and Wedge Sensors” besides this instruction manual.It is strictly prohibited to disable the safety features or to modify their function.