Instruction ManualNFP®NFP - Rev. 02 as of 24.11.2009 page 73 Overview and use in accordance with the requirements3.1 Overview1 Clear view door2 Graphic display3 Keypad4 Cable Glands5 Terminal Clamp Housing6 USB-B InterfaceFig. 2-1 Overview3.2 Use in accordance with the requirementsThe measurement device type NIVUS Full Pipe (NFP) including the active pipesensor is intended to be used for continuous flow measurement of slight toheavy polluted media in permanent full pipes.Here the allowed maximum values, as specified in chapter 2.3 Specificationsmust be strictly kept. All cases which vary from these conditions and are notpassed by NIVUS GmbH in writing are left at owner’s risk.The device is exclusively intended to be used for purposes as describedabove.Modifying or using the devices for other purposes without the written consentof the manufacturer will not be considered as use in accordance with the re-quirements. Damages resulting from this are left at user’s risk.The device is designed for a lifetime of approx. 10 years. After that period aninspection in addition with a general overhaul has to be made.The transmitter always has to be installed outside of Ex-zones!