INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AUTOMATIC FILTERSFCD-FACD-FFD /DT /DP /DT-DUAL /DP-DUALs.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 14 of 23 fcd-dp_mi-r4.doc – r.46. CONTROL PANEL6.1. Functions of the logical programmerThe logical programmer Siemens serie LOGO handles the logical working of the whole unit.Its display allow the visualization of the status of the logical inputs (marked as I), the logicaloutputs (marked as Q), current time and date, the several messages enabled by theprogramme.It is also possible to modify the settings of the entered numerical parameters (marked as B).The numbering of the inputs and outputs is arranged on several rows, each of themcorrespond to a ten (I1÷I9, I10÷I19 ecc.).By pushing the buttons or the display shows, alternatively, the visualizations of theservice : current time and date, inputs, outputs, (M, to be ignored), function buttons (ESC+C..).By pushing the buttons and the messages enabled by the programme are visualized.The used functions are the following :MARK DESCRIPTIONI1 button STARTI2 input available for regeneration inhibitI3 button RESETI4 input for low level in the water storage tankI5 input for high level in the water storage tankI6 input for water supply inhibitI7 (AI1) pressure sensor INLET (P-IN for DP and DP-DUAL version only)I8 (AI2) pressure sensor OUTLET (P-OUT for DP and DP-DUAL version only)Q1 output of the solenoid valve E1 (E1A for -DUAL versions)Q2 output of the solenoid valve E2 (E2A for -DUAL versions)Q3 output of the solenoid valve E3 (E3A for -DUAL versions)Q4 output of running regeneration (column A for -DUAL versions)Q5 output related to solenoid valve E1B (for -DUAL versions only)Q6 output related to solenoid valve E2B (for -DUAL versions only)Q7 output related to solenoid valve E3B (for -DUAL versions only)Q8 output related to report of running regeneration column B (for -DUAL versions only)B1 time of BACKWASHINGB2 time of RINSINGB3-1 setting time and days of regenerationB3-4 ON = switching pulse function of parameters B3-1, B3-2 and B3-3B4 delay of driving of end-cycleB5 max allowable pressure dropB6 time of delay starting regeneration of column B after column A (for -DUAL versions only)B19 working mode selection DT / DPB100 ON = message in ITALIAN OFF = message in ENGLISHAll settings of automatic working are factory-made at the shipment.See the chapter “SETTINGS” to check the factory-set.