can also try out new games by downloading game trials,or enhance your gaming experience with Game Extras forgames already on your device.Get startedCreate a player nameYou can download, purchase, and play games without aplayer name, but creating one is recommended. A playername enables you to participate in the N-Gagecommunity, connect with other players, and share yourgaming achievements, recommendations, and reviews.You also need a player name to transfer your profiledetails and N-Gage points to another device.When you start the N-Gage application and connect to theN-Gage service for the first time, you are prompted tocreate an N-Gage player name. You can connect to thenetwork, for example, by setting your availability byselecting Options > Set Availability > Available toPlay.If you already have an N-Gage player name, select I havean account, and enter your user name and password tolog in.To create a new player name:1. Select Register New Account.2. Enter your date of birth, desired player name, andpassword. If the player name is already in use, N-Gagesuggests a list of available similar names.3. To register your player name, enter your details, readand accept the terms and conditions, and selectRegister.You can also create your player name on the N-Gagewebsite at you have created a player name, edit your settingsand personal information in the private tab in My profile.Data transfer charges may apply for player name creationon your device.Start a gameIf one or more games are installed on your device, theStart Game option appears in the Home module.To start playing the game you last played, go to the Homemodule, and select Start Game or Options > StartGame.To resume a paused game, select Options > ResumeGame.Track your progressTo view your current N-Gage Points, go to the Homemodule, and select Track My Progress or Options >Your device© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.28