• Response messages to password change messages (see Chapter 9.3.1)• Response messages to pulse cancel messages (see Chapter 9.3.8)5.2 SECURITY SETTINGSFigure 5 shows a dialog (User Control Mode -> Settings -> Security) wheresecurity settings can be configured with Nokia 12 Configurator.5.2.1 Authorised numbersAuthorised number selection limits the access to specific phone numbers onlyin the Remote I/O control. Only control messages originating from anauthorised number are allowed to control the Nokia 12 GSM Module and thedevice attached to it.It is possible to define up to 16 authorised numbers. The first number on theauthorised phone number list is in bold (see Figure 5) and is the phone numberof the main user. The main user will be notified of any unauthorised controlattempts.The following message will be sent to the main user if there is an unauthorisedcontrol attempt:Unauthorized Number:Number: XCommand: YX is the phone number of the originator of the control message, and Y is thecommand that was attempted. If the length of a command or alias is too long tobe shown in one message (more than 160 characters), it will be sent as severalmessages.The phone numbers in the authorised number list may contain digits 0-9 andthe “+” character (ASCII range 0x30-0x39 and 0x2B), for example,+1234567890, for a maximum length of 32 characters.Note: The phone numbers in the authorised number list should be defined ininternational format with a plus sign, country codes, etc. Note that the Nokia 12GSM Module needs to receive and identify the number to recognise it asauthorised. Contact your network service provider for details.15/49