Table 9. Output_Get X commandsCommand Type Command CommentsOutput_Get All term123 Output_Get AllResponse:OUTPUT_GET ALL: OKOUTPUT 1: YOUTPUT 2: YOUTPUT 3: YOUTPUT 4: YOUTPUT 5: YOUTPUT 6: YOUTPUT 7: YOUTPUT 8: YOUTPUT 9: YThe Y refers to either ON or OFFThe command reads alloutputs and the responsereturns the state of themOutput_Get X term123 Output_Get XResponse:OUTPUT_GET X: OKOUTPUT X: YThe X refers to output pin number, X=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.The Y refers to either ON or OFFThe command readsoutput pin X and theresponse returns thestate of it9.3.5 Writing OutputsUse the Output_Set X commands to set digital output states. Note that allexample control messages in this chapter use the “term123” identifier string andthe password property is set off (see Table 10).35/49