General informationRead these simple guidelines. Not followingthem may be dangerous or illegal. For furtherinfo, read the complete user guide.SWITCH OFF IN RESTRICTED AREASSwitch the device off when mobilephone use is not allowed or when it may causeinterference or danger, for example, inaircraft, in hospitals or near medicalequipment, fuel, chemicals, or blastingareas. Obey all instructions in restrictedareas.ROAD SAFETY COMES FIRSTObey all local laws. Always keep yourhands free to operate the vehicle whiledriving. Your first consideration while drivingshould be road safety.INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may be susceptibleto interference, which could affectperformance.QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnel may install orrepair this product.BATTERIES, CHARGERS, AND OTHERACCESSORIESUse only batteries, chargers, and otheraccessories approved by Nokia for use withthis device. Do not connect incompatibleproducts.KEEP YOUR DEVICE DRYYour device is not water-resistant. Keepit dry.PROTECT YOUR HEARINGTo prevent possible hearing damage,do not listen at high volume levels for longperiods. Exercise caution when holding yourdevice near your ear while the loudspeaker isin use.Product and safety informationFeature-specific instructionsThe images in this guide may differ from yourdevice screen.To turn off notifications from apps to avoiddata transfer costs, go to Menu > Apps >My apps > Notifications > Options >Settings.1 Avoid touching the antenna area whilethe antenna is in use. Contact with antennasaffects the communication quality and mayreduce battery life due to higher power levelduring operation.2 Use only compatible memory cardsapproved by Nokia for use with this device.Incompatible cards may damage the card andthe device and corrupt data stored on thecard.Important: Do not remove the memorycard when an app is using it. Doing so maydamage the memory card and the device andcorrupt data stored on the card.46