account number, credit card details, billingaddress, credit checks and other suchfinancial information, details of agreementsbetween you and Nokia, records of contactsand communications, information anddetails relating to the content you haveprovided us with and other suchtransactional information. We may, inaccordance with applicable law, record yourcommunication with our customer care orwith other such contact points.• Location data Nokia’s location basedservices and features may use satellite, Wi-Fior other network based location data, forexample your IP-address. Assistedpositioning methods of the device, forexample Assisted GPS, provide you withfaster and more accurate location data. Useof assisted positioning methods may involveexchanging your location data, wirelessnetwork identifiers along with your uniquedevice or network service provider identifierswith a location server. Nokia processes thisinformation anonymously. Depending onyour positioning settings and your use oflocation services of other service providersyour device may connect to other serviceproviders’ servers, which are not controlledor operated by Nokia. We recommend you tocheck the privacy policies of such serviceproviders to understand how they processyour location data. You can modify thepositioning settings of your device from thedevice settings, for example change ordisable positioning methods or locationservers or modify the accuracy of yourlocation data.Nokia offers various location based servicesand features that may require the use of yourloca-tion data. For example when you makea location based search, use locationenhanced weather features or request formap data, your location data may be sent toNokia to serve you with the right content.This may also include location basedadvertizing. Some location based servicesmay allow you to associate your personaldata with your location. To learn more aboutavailable location based services andfeatures, please refer to instructions andother support material for our products andservices.Why Do We Process Personal Data?Nokia may process your personal data for thefollowing purposes. Please note that one ormore purposes may apply simultaneously.• Providing products and services Wemay use your personal data to provide youwith our products and services, to processyour order or as otherwise may be necessaryto perform the contract between you andNokia, to ensure the functionality andsecurity of our products and services, toidentify you as well as to prevent andinvestigate fraud and other misuses.• Developing products and services Wemay use your personal data to develop ourproducts and services. However, for themost part we only use aggregate andstatistical information for such purposes. Wemay combine personal data collected inconnection with your use of a particularNokia product and/or service with other64