We may provide additional privacyinformation in connection with our productsand services through service descriptionsand other notices. Such information prevailsover this Policy to the extent of any conflict.Third party services installed on your devicemay allow access to information available onyour device. Our products or services maycontain links to other companies’ websitesand services that have privacy policies oftheir own. We recommend that you read theprivacy policies of such third party services.Nokia is not responsible for the privacypractices or contents of any such third partyservices.By using this website and/or by submittingpersonal data to Nokia, you agree to theprocessing of your personal data asexplained in this Policy. If you do not agreewith this Policy, please do not use thiswebsite or provide Nokia with your personaldata.What Data Do We Collect?We collect your personal data typically whenyou make a purchase, use or register into ourproducts and services, take part in acampaign or otherwise interact with us.Below are examples of the categories of datawe collect.• Your use of our products and servicesWhen you use our products and services yourIP-address, access times, the website youlinked from, pages you visit, the links you use,the content you viewed and other suchinformation your browser provides us with isautomatically collected by Nokia. Some ofour mobile services may collect your uniquemobile device identifiers, subscriber identityinformation, network service providerspecific identifiers, network settings andother such information. When you use ourproducts and services or otherwise interactwith us over telecommunications networks,certain additional information, such as yourmobile subscription number, may betransmitted to us by your mobile networkprovider.• Information you provide us with We mayask you to provide us with information suchas your name, email address, street address,user names and passwords, your consents,preferences and feedback, informationrelating to your devices, age, gender, postalcode and language preferences. Please notethat certain non-identifiable informationcollected from you may become personallyidentifiable when you provide us with yourpersonal data. We may also obtain, inaccordance with applicable law, somepersonal data from list-rental companies andother such publicly available sources. Someof our services may allow you to submitinformation about other people, forexample, if you make an order for a productthat you wish us to send directly to anotherrecipient.• Your transactions with us We collectinformation relating to your purchase anduse of our products and services and yourother interactions with us. Such informationmay include details of the queries orrequests you have made, the products andservices provided, delivery details, bank63