C o n t a c t s l i s t204. Contacts listThe contacts list can hold up to 250contacts, with multiple numbers andtext notes for each contact. Theamount of numbers and text entriesthat you can save may vary,depending on length and the totalnumber of entries in the contactslist.■ Add new contactsSave a name and number1. In the standby mode, enter thephone number you wish to save.2. Select Options > Save > Select.3. Enter the name, and select OK.Save (only) a number1. In the standby mode, enter thephone number you wish to save.2. Select and hold Options.Save an entry1. In the standby mode, selectContacts > Add new > Select.2. Enter the name, and select OK.3. Enter the phone number, andselect OK > Done.Save addresses and notesTo save an address or note, you needto add it to an existing entry(contact).1. In the standby mode, press theScroll down key to display a listof entries in your contacts list.2. Scroll to a name you would like toadd information to and selectDetails.3. Select Options > Add detail >Select.You can add an E-mail, Webaddress, Postal address, or Noteto the entry.4. Select the address or note of yourchoice.5. Enter the text for the note oraddress, and select OK.Save multiple numbers andtext itemsYou can save different types ofphone numbers and short text itemsper name to the contacts list. Thefirst number you save for any entry isautomatically set as the default, butthe default number can always bechanged.