A d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n70explosive atmosphere are often but notalways clearly marked. They includebelow deck on boats, chemical transfer orstorage facilities, vehicles using liquefiedpetroleum gas (such as propane orbutane), and areas where the air containschemicals or particles such as grain, dustor metal powders.■ VehiclesRF signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehicles suchas electronic fuel injection systems,electronic antiskid (antilock) brakingsystems, electronic speed controlsystems, air bag systems. For moreinformation, check with themanufacturer or its representative ofyour vehicle or any equipment that hasbeen added.Only qualified personnel should servicethe device, or install the device in avehicle. Faulty installation or service maybe dangerous and may invalidate anywarranty that may apply to the device.Check regularly that all wireless deviceequipment in your vehicle is mountedand operating properly. Do not store orcarry flammable liquids, gases, orexplosive materials in the samecompartment as the device, its parts, orenhancements. For vehicles equippedwith an air bag, remember that air bagsinflate with great force. Do not placeobjects, including installed or portablewireless equipment in the area over theair bag or in the air bag deployment area.If in-vehicle wireless equipment isimproperly installed and the air baginflates, serious injury could result.Using your device while flying in aircraftis prohibited. Switch off your devicebefore boarding an aircraft. The use ofwireless teledevices in an aircraft may bedangerous to the operation of theaircraft, disrupt the wireless telephonenetwork, and may be illegal.■ Emergency callsImportant: Wireless phones,including this device, operateusing radio signals, wirelessnetworks, landline networks,and user-programmedfunctions. Because of this,connections in all conditionscannot be guaranteed. Youshould never rely solely on anywireless phone for essentialcommunications like medicalemergencies.To make an emergency call:1. If the device is not on, switch it on.Check for adequate signal strength.2. Press the End key as many times asneeded to clear the display and readythe device for calls.3. Key in the official emergency numberfor your present location. Emergencynumbers vary by location.4. Press the Call key.If certain features are in use, you mayfirst need to turn those features offbefore you can make an emergency call.Consult this guide or your serviceprovider for more information.When making an emergency call, give allthe necessary information as accuratelyas possible. Your wireless device may bethe only means of communication at the