[ 29 ]Phone book3 Press OK to delete the phone book entry (including all details).DELETE THE ENTIRE PHONE BOOK1 Press Contacts, scroll to Delete, and press Select.2 Scroll to Delete all, and press Select.3 When you see the message Are you sure?, press OK.4 Enter your security code, and press OK.For more information on the security code, see “Security code” on page 63.• ADD OTHER INFORMATION TO A PHONE BOOK ENTRYOnce you have created a contact, you can add an e-mail address, a mailing address,or a note to that contact.Note: Text information can only be added to existing contacts. For example, youcannot create a new contact with only an e-mail address.1Recall the phone book entry you want to modify.2 Press Details; and press Options again.3 Scroll to Add detail, and press Select.4 Scroll to the type of information you would like to add (E-mail, Street addr., etc.),andpress Select.5 Enter the information, and press OK. Press the End key to return to the startscreen.• USE CALLER GROUPSYour phone allows you to group phone book entries with similar attributes intocaller groups. The five default caller groups are Family, VIP, Friends, Business, andOther. Each group has two attributes which can be defined by the user: RenameGroup and Group Tone.Assign phone number to a caller group1 Recall the desired phone book entry, and press Details.2 Scroll to the desired phone number, and press Options.3 Scroll to Caller groups, and press Select.4 Scroll to the desired caller group (for example, Family), and press Select.