58585858Menu featuresMute - This mutes the phone during a conversa-tion. The phone displays MUTED. To unmute thephone, select the Mute option again.Send DTMF - To send DTMF (Touch Tone) stringsduring a call, first recall the stored string fromthe Phone Book. Access the in-call menu with ashort press of MENU. Move the pointer to SendDTMF and press OK. The phone sends the DTMF(Touch Tone) string. See “Sending touch tones” onpage 60.Note: When you’re in the in-call menu, pressing anykey (0-9, *, #, CLR or END) exits the in-call menu.The phone displays the digit pressed instead.While the phone is alerting you of an incoming call (andthere are no other calls active or held), the in-call menuis not available until you answer the call. Similarly, whenyou press SEND to initiate a call, until the call isconnected, there is no in-call menu.