63636363Network Services9. Network ServicesAvailability of network servicesThe network services available depend on themodel of your phone, the cellular system (AMPSor NAMPS) on which it operates, and the servicesoffered by your cellular service provider.To be able to use any of the network services, youneed to subscribe to the particular service. Theservice may not be available in all cellular serviceprovider networks. Please contact your localcellular service provider for further information.Some services which may be available are listedbelow and described briefly in this section:• Calling Line Identification• Call Waiting• Message Waiting• Voicemail• Digital Messaging Service, which includesShort Message Service and Callback NumberService.Calling Line IdentificationWhen someone calls you, thephone can display the caller’sphone number or name (or atext message), with CALLINGflashing.If the presentation of the caller’s identity isrestricted by the network, or is withheld by thecaller, CALL - CALLER ID BLOCKED or CALL - IDNOT AVAILABLE may be displayed instead.The caller’s name will be displayed if it is sent bythe network, or if the number sent matches thenumber and name stored in your Phone Book.JOHNCALLING