17Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.connected before an outgoing call can be made. When the PBX sends a number tothe Nokia 32 terminal, the Nokia 32 terminal connects the call.■ Connecting the Nokia 32 terminal to a PBX extensionlineNote: Only an analog extension interface can be connected to theextension connector.Only pins 3 and 4 are used as A and B.In the figure on page 14, the pin numbers correspond to the physicalconnector, not the wire itself.The line impedance of the Nokia 32 terminal is 600 Ù and the maximumline current is 120 mA.1 Disconnect the power supply of the Nokia 32 terminal from the AC wall outlet.2 Connect the Nokia 32 terminal to the PBX extension line using an RJ-11 cable.3 Connect the power supply to the Nokia 32 terminal.If the AutoPIN feature is active, the Nokia 32 terminal attempts to connect to thenetwork within 20-30 seconds. If the AutoPIN feature is not active, light indicator2 starts to blink and you must enter your PIN code before the network connectioncan be established.When light indicator 2 lights up, the network connection is established. Whenlight indicator 3 lights up, the PBX extension connection is established.