47Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.Potentially explosive atmospheresDo not install your terminal in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere and obeyall signs and instructions. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting inbodily injury or even death. Users are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on theuse of radio equipment in fuel depots (fuel storage and distribution areas), chemical plantsor where blasting operations are in progress. Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphereare often but not always clearly marked. They include below deck on boats; chemicaltransfer or storage facilities; vehicles using liquified petroleum gas (such as propane orbutane); areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust or metalpowders; and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicleengine.Emergency callsThis terminal operates using radio signals, wireless and landline networks as well as user-programmed functions. Because of this, connections in all conditions cannot be guaranteed.Therefore you should never rely solely upon any wireless terminal for essentialcommunications (e.g. medical emergencies).Emergency calls may not be possible on all wireless phone networks or when certainnetwork services and/or terminal features are in use. Check with local service providers.To make an emergency call:1. If the terminal is not on, power it up. Check for adequate signal strength.2. If a call is on, put down the handset to exit the call.3. Wait for the dial tone and enter the emergency number.