119Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.To start a new conversation, select Options > New conversation > Select recipient to select from a list of yoursaved IM contacts that are currently online, or Enter user ID to enter the user ID.To close the conversation, select Options > End conversation. Ongoing conversations are automatically closedwhen you exit instant messaging.To save a user to your IM contacts, scroll to the user, and select Options > Add to IM contacts.To prevent receiving messages from certain users, select Options > Blocking options and from the following:Add to blocked list — to block messages from the currently selected userAdd ID to list manually — Enter the user ID of the user, and press the joystick.View blocked list — to see the users whose messages are blockedUnblock — Select the user that you want to remove from the blocked list, and press the joystick.IM contactsSelect Menu > Connect. > IM > IM contacts.You can see a list of your saved IM contacts. indicates contacts that are currently online, and indicatescontacts that are offline.To create a new contact, select Options > New IM contact. Fill in the Nickname and User ID fields, and selectDone.To view contact details, scroll to a contact, and select Options > Contact details.Scroll to a contact, and select Options and from the following options:Open conversation — Start a new conversation or continue an ongoing conversation with the contact.Contact details — View the contact’s details.Switch tracking on — Be notified every time the IM contact goes online or offline.Belongs to groups — See which groups the IM contact has joined.