Nokia PC Composer[ 12 ]4• TRANSFER RINGING TONE TO YOUR PHONEOnce you have created a new ringing tone and have saved it to your PC, you can transfer the tone to your phone using infrared.When your phone receives the new ringing tone, it will display the message New ringing tone received. Press the Options key andscroll to the following options:• Play - plays the new ringing tone• Save - saves the ringing tone to your phone• Discard - discards the new tone and returns you to the Start screen.Transfer via infraredBefore transferring the ringing tone to your phone, make sure you have established an infrared connection between your phoneand PC. Check the status indicator in the lower right corner of the PC Composer window to verify the status of your connection.Important: Make sure the Set Name option from the Tools menu is checked/enabled. This feature automatically prompts you toname your new ringing tone before transferring it to your phone. If this feature is disabled, all new ringing tones arestored as Nokiatune.To transfer your ringing tone, click the Update to Phone button on the toolbar (or select Update to Phone from the Toolsmenu).• RINGING TONES FROM MIDI FILESNokia PC Composer allows you to open Standard MIDI files, then convert the data to ringing tone format. Now you can carry yourfavorite PC MIDI file as a ringing tone in your phone.About Standard MIDI filesStandard MIDI files of popular music frequently consist of multiple instruments (bass, drums, organ, etc.). Typically, there is also atrack dedicated to the song’s melody. There are two types of Standard MIDI files:• Type 0 files - 1 track of MIDI data containing all the various instruments; each instrument assigned to different MIDI “channel.”• Type 1 files - each instrument has its own dedicated track and MIDI channel. Track/instrument names are embedded in the fileas text information.PC Composer’s interface interprets the multiple track information and allows you to choose the correct track or instrument.Before you beginIf the MIDI sequence you want to use contains too many notes, the followingerror message is displayed when trying to open the file:Nokia PC Composer processes MIDI notes in octave 5 and 6 of the MIDIkeyboard. If your MIDI sequence contains notes outside this range, thefollowing error message is displayed when opening the file:OPEN A STANDARD MIDI FILETo open a MIDI file:1 Click the Open button (or select Open from the File menu).2 Locate the MIDI file you want to use as a ringing tone, then click Open.