31Making/receiving multiple callsMaking a new outgoing callSelect 1HZ FDOO from the in-call menu, enter or find thephone number you want, then press &DOO. The first call isautomatically put on hold.The active call is indicated by the icon and the held callis indicated by the icon.Call waitingThe call waiting network service allows you to receive anincoming call when you’re already in a call. The phone beepsto let you know of the incoming call.To turn on call waiting, press 0HQX 4 1 2, then select$FWLYDWH. To turn call waiting off, select &DQFHO. To seewhether call waiting is currently on or off, select 6WDWXV.To answer a waiting call, select $QVZHU from the in-callmenu. The call you were in is put on hold. To reject a waitingcall, select 5HMHFW from the in-call menu. (You can also notanswer the call.)Switching between two calls in progressSelect 6ZDS from the in-call menu.Ending the active call onlySelect 'URS FDOO from the in-call menu. The held callbecomes active.Ending both callsSelect (QG DOO FDOOV from the in-call menu.