51Note: In order to receive a converted message, the recipientneeds to have the appropriate terminal device.0HVVDJH YDOLGLW\ Select the amount of time you wantmessages to be stored at the message center while waitingto be delivered.Changing common message settingsCommon message settings apply to all messages you send.Delivery reportsDelivery reports is a network service that attempts to notifyyou when an outgoing message has been delivered to therecipient. Use 0HQX 2 2 6 1 (0HVVDJHV > 0HVVDJH VHWWLQJV >&RPPRQ > 'HOLYHU\ UHSRUWV) to turn delivery reports on oroff.Note: The menu shortcut for this feature may differdepending on the number of sets of message settingssupported by your SIM card.Reply via same centerReply via same center is a network service that attempts toroute the reply to a text message via your own messagecenter. Use 0HQX 2 2 6 2 (0HVVDJHV > 0HVVDJH VHWWLQJV >&RPPRQ > 5HSO\ YLD VDPH FHQWHU) to turn this feature on oroff.Note: The menu shortcut for this feature may differdepending on the number of sets of message settingssupported by your SIM card.News & info serviceThis network service delivers news andinformation such as weather andtraffic reports to you via the wirelessnetwork. Contact your service providerfor details.