32Call forwardingUse 0HQX 5 to access the callforwarding network service, whichlets you forward your incoming calls toanother phone number. Check withyour service provider for details.Forwarding callsCall forwarding types are )RUZDUG DOO YRLFH FDOOV and)RUZDUG ZKHQ QRW DEOH WR WDNH FDOOV. Choose a type, choose$FWLYDWH, enter the number to which calls should beforwarded, then press 2..)RUZDUG DOO YRLFH FDOOV forwards all calls to the number youenter. The icon appears on the start screen along withan indication of which line(s) are being forwarded (see‘Choosing an outgoing line’ on page 33). To check thenumber to which calls are being forwarded, choose the6WDWXV option.)RUZDUG ZKHQ QRW DEOH WR WDNH FDOOV forwards calls onlywhen your line is busy, your phone is turned off, there is noanswer, or your phone is not in service. There is no 6WDWXVoption for this type of call forwarding.Cancelling call forwardingTo cancel each type of call forwarding individually, use the&DQFHO option. To cancel all call forwarding, press 0HQX 5 3.Note: Cancelling all call forwarding may also cancel anyautomatic forwarding of calls to voice mail that your serviceprovider has activated for you. Contact your service providerfor details.1-touch dialingThis feature allows you to make phone calls quickly andeasily with the touch of a button.