![Nokia 6020 User Manual Manual pdf 57 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3970979/a73bb2e577cf21d3c5a1bf1cbd94e5c457f.jpg)
D e v i c e m e n u56 Copyright © 2005 NokiaSettings—Use this option to change wallet settings. Select Change code to changethe wallet code. Select RFID (RFID = radio frequency identification) to set theRFID ID with the RFID code and RFID type.Create a wallet profileWhen you have saved your personal card details, you can combine them togetherinto a wallet profile. You can use the profile to retrieve wallet data from differentcards while browsing.1. Access the wallet, and select Wallet profiles.2. To create a new wallet profile if no profile is added, select Add new.Otherwise, select Options > Add new.3. Fill in the following fields, and select Done: Select payment card next, Selectloyalty card next, Select access card next, Select user info card next, Selectbilling address next, Select shipping address next, Select receipt deliveryaddress next, Select receipt delivery method next, and Wallet profile name:.■ WebYour device has a browser that you can use to access variousmobile Internet services.Important: Use only services that you trust and that offer adequatesecurity and protection against harmful software.Check the availability of these services, pricing, and tariffs with your service provider.With the browser you can view the services that use wireless mark-up language(WML) or extensible hypertext mark-up language (XHTML) on their pages.Appearance may vary due to screen size. You may not be able to view all thedetails of the Internet pages.Access services1. Save the service settings that are required to access the service that you wantto use. See "Set-up to access a service," page 57.2. Make a connection to the given service. See "Connect to a service," page 57.3. Start browsing the pages of the service. See "Browse a service," page 57.4. When you are finished browsing, end the connection to the service.See "Disconnect from a service," page 58.