19The alarm will go off again in 10 minutes. If you let thephone alarm for 1 minute without pressing a key, itstops alarming for 10 minutes then starts again.Turning the alarm clock off1) Press 0HQX 4 2 2 (6HWWLQJV - 3KRQH VHWWLQJV - $ODUPFORFN)(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)2) Press W or V to 2II3) Press 2.All calls timerSee ìCall timersî on page 28.Automatic answerThis is one of the settings in your phoneís Profiles (seepage 54). With this on, your phone answers incomingvoice calls after one ring.Note: This can only be used when your phone is connected toa headset or to an approved handsfree car kit equipped with theignition sense option, with the ignition on.Activating automatic answer1) Press 0HQX 3 (3URILOHV)(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)2) Your phone lists each profile. Use W to highlighteither the &DU or +HDGVHW profile and press 2SWLRQV.Note: &DU and +HDGVHW will not appear in the list unless thephone has already been connected to a car kit or headset.3) Highlight &XVWRPL]H and press 2.. Press W to$XWRPDWLF DQVZHU, then press 6HOHFW again.4) Press W to 2Q and press 2..Note: This feature will not function with data calls.