46This shows you the phone numbers of the 10 mostrecent calls youíve not answered.When the )RUZDUG LI QRW DQVZHUHG option in the CallForwarding feature (see page 26) is selected, yourphone treats the forwarded calls as missed calls.Also, see ìCall logî on page 27 for details on other call lists.NAM selectionThe service provider programs your phone with thephone number and system information into yourphoneís memory when your phone is first activated.This is called a Number Assignment Module (NAM).For example, your phone can be activated in up to 3different service areas (e.g. one in Dallas, another inChicago, and maybe one more in New York), eachgiving your phone a different phone number or account.Only one number can be active at a time. When youselect a phone number, youíre also selecting whichsystem youíre using as your home system (see ìSys-temî on page 64). The first phone number displayedwith this menu is the currently selected number.Note: It is not necessary to have three NAMs for your phone ifyour service provider has service or roaming agreements foreach area in which you wish to use your phone. Contact yourservice provider for details.Selecting the NAM for your phone1) Press 0HQX 4 4 8 (6HWWLQJV - 1HWZRUN VHUYLFHV - 1$0VHOHFWLRQ)(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)2) Use W or V to highlight the phone number youwant to use and press 2.Note: You need at least one active number to make calls.You can not change from one NAM to another during a call.