71shows the number of messages if there are more thanone.Storing your voice mailbox number1) Press 0HQX 1 2 2 (0HVVDJHV - 9RLFH PHVVDJHV - 9RLFHPDLOER[ QXPEHU)(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)2) Enter voice mailbox number3) Press 2.Once you enter your voice mailbox number, itís useduntil you change it again. It may be up to 32 digits long.Note: The voice mailbox may be provided by the network (theservice provider gives you the number to call).Calling your voice mailbox any timePress 0HQX 1 2 1 (0HVVDJHV - 9RLFH PHVVDJHV - /LVWHQWR YRLFH PHVVDJHV)(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)ORPress and hold 1Note: Before you can call your voice mailbox, you must firststore your voice mailbox number.Voice privacyNote:This feature may not be available in all areas. Please seeyour service provider for details and availability.Used only in digital networks, Voice Privacy encryptsthe voice channel so that people can not eavesdrop onyour conversation. If you turn this feature on and voiceprivacy becomes inactive for any reason your phonedisplays 9RLFH SULYDF\ QRW DFWLYH and beeps.You may set this to 2Q or 2II by pressing 0HQX 4 4 1(6HWWLQJV - 1HWZRUN VHUYLFHV - 9RLFH SULYDF\).