32Or, you can press 2SWLRQV and scroll to (QG DOO FDOOV. Thisends both the active and the held call, and the waitingcall is handled as a normal incoming call.Caller groupsYou can create groups of names in your 3KRQH ERRN(see page 59), and give each group a different ringingtone. Then youíll know when someone from that groupis calling you because of the way the phone rings.Adding names to a caller groupNote: The names and numbers that you add to a group mustalready be stored in your Phone book. See ìSaving names andnumbersî on page 70.1) With the display clear, press W until you see thename or number you want2) Press 'HWDLOV, if shown, or skip to Step 33) Press 2SWLRQV4) Use W to reach &DOOHU JURXSV. Press 6HOHFW.5) Use W to reach the group to which you want toadd this name or number. Press 6HOHFW.Defining a ringing tone for a caller group1) With the display clear, press 1DPHV2) Press W to reach &DOOHU JURXSV. Press 6HOHFW3) Use W to reach the group you want. Press 6HOHFW4) Press W until you see 5LQJLQJ WRQH. Press 6HOHFW.Use W to reach the tone you want to hear whenanyone from this group calls you. Press 2..Tip: You can set your phone to ring only when peoplefrom certain caller groups call you, and to otherwise besilent. See the ìCaller groupî description under ìRing-ing optionsî on page 67.Renaming a caller group1) Follow steps 1-3 in ìDefining a ringing tone for acaller groupî