69Deleting received ringing tonesAfter listening to the ringing tone, press %DFN, thenpress ([LW.Ringing tonesYou can assign ringing tones to profiles (see page 63)and to caller groups. This entry describes how to setringing tones for profiles. For information on settingtones for caller groups, see ìDefining a ringing tone fora caller groupî on page 32.As outlined in the table below, the sound your phonemakes when you receive a call depends on the ringingoption for the currently selected profile, whether thecaller is assigned to a caller group, and, if the &DOOHUJURXSV ringing option is selected, which caller groupthe caller belongs to.Note: Ringing tone settings are stored separately for each ofyour own phone numbers.Selecting ringing tones1) Press 0HQX 3 (3URILOHV)(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)2) Use W to highlight the profile you want to set theringing tones for, and press 2SWLRQV3) Highlight &XVWRPL]H and press 2.. Press W to 5LQJ0LQJ WRQH, then press 6HOHFW.Ringing option for currently selected profile (see page 67)Ring/Increasing/Ring once Beep once Silent Caller groupsCaller is not ina caller groupProfile ringingtoneBeep NosoundNo soundCaller is in acaller groupCaller groupringing toneBeep NosoundCaller is in amarked callergroupCaller groupringing toneCaller is in anunmarkedcaller groupNo sound