532) Use W to highlight the profile you want to set themessage alert tone for, and press 2SWLRQV3) Highlight &XVWRPL]H and press 2.. Press W toreach 0HVVDJH DOHUW WRQH, then press 6HOHFW.4) Use W to scroll through your choices (your phoneplays samples) and press 2.Message receivedText messaging is a network service that allows you tosend and receive text messages with your phone (seeìText messagesî on page 76). Check with your serviceprovider for details.When you receive a text message, the phone displays0HVVDJH UHFHLYHG and the indicator, and makes asound (depending on the ìMessage alert toneî; seepage 52).To read the message, press 5HDG. This takes you to theInbox, with the new message selected. Press 5HDGagain to read the message.See ìInboxî on page 47 for more details on receivedtext messages.Message settingsText messaging is a network service that allows you tosend and receive text messages with your phone (seeìText messagesî on page 76). Check with your serviceprovider for details.You can specify some of the ways your phone handlestext messages. Depending on your SIM card, you canhave up to five ìsetsî of settingsófor example, one fore-mail messages, one for pages, one for faxes, etc.Specifying a set of message settings1) Press 0HQX 1 2 (0HVVDJHV - 0HVVDJH VHWWLQJV)(For details on how to work the menu, see page 13)2) Press W to reach the set you want to specify set-tings for, and press 6HOHFW