CONFIDENTIAL 10 (21)Customer Care / Service & Support Readiness Repair HintsCompetence Transfer Team Version 1.0 ApprovedCopyright © 2005 Nokia 03.02.2005 6260 / RM-25Edited by:TBEChecked by:SCCEApproved by:MKO/PRZChapter 3: Charging not possiblePre-checkThe first thing to do if charging the battery fails is to check whether charging is not possible onlyoccasionally or if it does not work permanently. If the fault appears from time to time only, followthe repair instructions:o Mechanical faultsIf charging permanently does not work, run energy management calibration. In case EMC worksproperly, try to charge after calibration; in case of any failure message follow the repairinstructions:o Electrical faultsRepair instructionsMechanical faultsIn case charging is not possible only from time to time, especially check spring contacts of chargerplug I215 if bent, soiled or corroded. Furthermore, make sure that contact pads for connector onPWB are clean; if necessary clean them with an appropriate amount of alcohol. In no way use anyscratching or rubbing tools!Electrical faultsThe most common fault, if energy management calibration does not work, is a defect fuse F130.Check that resistance of fuse is zero ohm; replace part if necessary.To ensure the correct functioning of phone, run energy management calibration whenever havingchanged a part in the charging circuit, or when the flash circuit containing the tuning values hasbeen exchanged!