CONFIDENTIAL 8 (21)Customer Care / Service & Support Readiness Repair HintsCompetence Transfer Team Version 1.0 ApprovedCopyright © 2005 Nokia 03.02.2005 6260 / RM-25Edited by:TBEChecked by:SCCEApproved by:MKO/PRZChapter 1: Phone does not switch onPre-checkBefore any repair action, always check the current consumption of the phone: If it increasesdirectly to more than 0.5 ampere after connecting the phone to a service battery, most probablythere is a short circuit in the Vbat-line. This usually is caused by a defect power amplifier N700. Toverify carefully check whether N700 gets hot; or remove coil L700 and check the currentconsumption again. If N700 gets hot or the current consumption lowers to normal values afterhaving removed L700, power amplifier N700 is responsible. Rework part with help of LGA reworkkit on a BGA rework system; do not forget to tune Tx values after N700 was changed!On the other hand, if the current consumption is zero, especially check the battery connector X131if bend or if the contact pins are stuck in the connector housing.In case the current consumption remains around 50mA (please note that this value may varydepending on your service equipment!), first you should try is to perform a software update.Repair instructionsIf the pre-check gives no further information about the fault, first of all check whether the32.768kHz oscillator is working. Check signals at C253 and C254 with an oscilloscope:32.768kHz at C253 32.768kHz at C254In case no sinewave signal is measureable, check DC voltage at C253 and C254, both around 0.5V. Ifthe DC voltage is ok but no 32.768kHz signal is measureable, usually the crystal B250 is defect. If noDC voltage is measureable at C253/254, most probably UEM D250 is defect. As UEM is underfilled, itis not possible to exchange D250.If the 32.768kHz oscillator is working, check function of power switch I301. The power switch islocated on the hinge flex, which cannot be put into the service jig. Due to that the power switch ofthe phone itself cannot be checked. Only the voltage coming from UEME for the power switch thatis built into the service jig can be checked. In unpressed state the voltage level normally is ~4V, ifswitch is pressed the voltage must decrease to 0V.Therefore, if the module you are in doubt about switches on without problems in the service jig,but does not work when connected to the hinge flex indicates that the hinge flex might be defect.Exchange mechanical subassembly A4 and retest the phone.If no voltage is measureable at the power switch, even when not in use, check mechanicalcondition and solder joints of connector X817. If the connector is ok, most probably UEME D250 isdefect. As UEME is underfilled, it is not changeable.