S e t t i n g s47Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.■ ThemesA theme contains many elements forpersonalising your phone, such aswallpaper, screen saver, colour scheme,and a ringing tone.Themes automatically loadswallpapers, screen savers, ringingtones and background colours.Selecting a theme over-writes previoussettings. Individual settings for atheme can be overwrittenindependently in the settings menu.For example, a theme selects awallpaper, a screen saver, and a defaultringing tone. The default ringing tonewithin a theme can be overwritten.See “Tone settings”, p. 47.1. Your phone has a default theme.To choose the theme on yourdisplay, select Menu > Settings >Themes > Select theme > Themes.2. Scroll to a theme, and selectOpen > Apply.■ Tone settingsYou can adjust the ringing volume,keypad tones, and more for the activeprofile. See “Personalise a profile”,p. 45 for more information on profilesettings.Select Menu > Settings > Tones andone of the following:Incoming call alert—Select how thedevice notifies you of an incoming call.Ringing tone—Select the ringing tonefor incoming calls.Incoming call video > Incoming callvideo off or Incoming call video on—Indicate whether to replace the defaultaudio ringing tone with the selectedvideo.Ringing volume—Set the volume ofyour ringing tone.Vibrating alert > On or Off—Set thevibrating alert.Message alert tone—Select the tone forreceived messages.Keypad tones—Set the volume of yourkeypad tones (or turn them off).Warning tones > On or Off—Setwarning and confirmation tones.Alert for—Define which caller groupsthe selected profile will accept ordecline. See “Caller groups”, p. 33.■ Time and datesettingsClockSelect Menu > Settings > Time anddate > Clock > Show clock, or Hideclock, Set the time, Time zone or Timeformat.