O r g a n i s e r64 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.10. OrganiserYour phone contains features to helporganise your everyday life, includingan alarm clock, calendar, calculator,countdown timer, and stopwatch.■ Alarm clockSet an alarmThe alarm clock is based on the phoneclock. An alarm sounds at the time youspecify, even if the phone is turned off.1. Select Menu > Organiser > Alarmclock > Alarm time.2. Enter the time for the alarm inhh:mm format, and select OK.3. Select am or pm if 12-hour clockformat is on.Alarm on appears briefly in the display,and appears in standby mode.If you need to reset the alarm, selectMenu > Organiser > Alarm clock >Alarm time > On.To turn off the alarm, select Menu >Organiser > Alarm clock > Alarmtime > Off.Repeat alarmYou can set the alarm to repeat everyday or only on certain days of theweek.1. Select Menu > Organiser > Alarmclock > Repeat alarm > On.2. Check the day or days of the weekyou wish to repeat the alarm,and select Mark. Select Unmark toremove a day.3. Select Done when you have addedall desired days.If you need to revise the days for arepeated alarm, select Menu >Organiser > Alarm clock > Repeatalarm > Repetition days.If you need to stop a repeated alarm,select Menu > Organiser > Alarmclock > Repeat alarm > Off.Set the alarm toneTo set which tone to play when thealarm sounds, select Menu >Organiser > Alarm clock > Alarmtone > Standard, Radio, or OpenGallery.If you set your alarm to Radio, use anaccessory that supports FM stereo.