A d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n88 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.• Not carry the device in a breast• Hold the device to the ear oppositethe pacemaker to minimise thepotential for interference.If you have any reason to suspect thatinterference is taking place, switch offyour device immediately.Hearing aidsSome digital wireless devices mayinterfere with some hearing aids.If interference occurs, consult yournetwork operator.■ VehiclesRF signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehiclessuch as electronic fuel injectionsystems, electronic antiskid (antilock)braking systems, electronic speedcontrol systems, and air bag systems.For more information, check with themanufacturer or its representative ofyour vehicle or any equipment that hasbeen added.Only qualified personnel should servicethe device, or install the device in avehicle. Faulty installation or servicemay be dangerous and may invalidateany warranty that may apply to thedevice. Check regularly that allwireless device equipment in yourvehicle is mounted and operatingproperly. Do not store or carryflammable liquids, gases, or explosivematerials in the same compartment asthe device, its parts, or enhancements.For vehicles equipped with an air bag,remember that an air bags inflate withgreat force. Do not place objects,including installed or portable wirelessequipment in the area over the air bagor in the air bag deployment area.If in-vehicle wireless equipment isimproperly installed and the air baginflates, serious injury could result.Using your device while flying inaircraft is prohibited. Switch off yourdevice before boarding an aircraft.The use of wireless teledevices in anaircraft may be dangerous to theoperation of the aircraft, disrupt thewireless telephone network, and maybe illegal.■ Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch off your device when in anyarea with a potentially explosiveatmosphere and obey all signs andinstructions. Potentially explosiveatmospheres include areas where youwould normally be advised to turn offyour vehicle engine. Sparks in suchareas could cause an explosion or fireresulting in bodily injury or even death.Switch off the device at refuellingpoints such as near gas pumps atservice stations. Observe restrictions onthe use of radio equipment in fueldepots, storage, and distribution areas;chemical plants; or where blastingoperations are in progress. Areas witha potentially explosive atmosphere areoften but not always clearly marked.They include below deck on boats,pocket.