[ 39 ]Messages1• PICTURE MESSAGESYour Nokia phone comes with 10 pre-loaded pictures and five empty storageslots (15 total). You can, however, over-write any of the 10 pictures thatcame with your phone. Pictures can be attached to a message and sentvia SMS (text messaging) to compatible phones. Picture messages behavethe same as text messages, but pictures take up more space than text.Note: You cannot send a picture message via e-mail. This functioncan be used only if it is supported by your network operator orservice provider. Only phones that offer picture message featurescan receive and display picture messages.Download picturesYou can download pictures, or receive them from compatible phones viaSMS to use in messages and caller groups. You can also create picturesand send them to your phone or other compatible phones using NokiaPC Suite.Note: Methods for downloading pictures vary with wirelessproviders. Some providers allow you to send pictures to your phonefrom a web page. Contact your wireless provider for details.When you receive a picture messageWhen you receive a picture message, Picture Message received appearsin the display.VIEW THE PICTURE• Press Options, scroll to Show, and press OKDISCARD THE PICTURE• Press Options, scroll to Discard, and press OKSAVE THE PICTURE1 Press Options, scroll to Save, and press OK.2 Scroll to the picture you would like to replace and press Select.