[ 79 ]Messages• Yes• No• OK• Thank you• Congrats• Happy birthday• I love you too• Hugs and kisses• Sorry• Sorry I’m late3 Enter your reply; then select Options > Send.The number of the original sender appears in the display.4 Select OK.Your reply is sent.• FORWARD A MESSAGE1 While viewing a message, select Options > Forward.2 Enter the recipient’s phone number (or select Find to retrieve anumber from your phone book); then select OK.The message is forwarded.• E-MAILYou can send e-mail up to 160 characters in length to anyone withan e-mail address. Contact your wireless provider for your e-mailserver number.The e-mail address is included in the total character count for an e-mailmessage, which is 160 characters. Leave enough space for the e-mailaddress while composing your message or you will be taken back to theeditor, where you will have to delete some text before sending.